Professional Services

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A fully compliant, integrated platform expands opportunities with even the largest enterprises and agencies
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Professional Services

Bid with passwordless authentication that exceeds Gartner, OMB, NIST, and CISA guidance

Professional Services can uniquely address enterprise and agency needs including phishing resistant multi-factor authentication, all in compliance or in advance of Gartner, OMB, NIST, and CISA requirements and guidelines.
Use Cases

Propose unique solutions to thorny challenges faced by Enterprises and Agencies

Use Case

Instant passwordless without requiring upgrades

Passwordless for Air Gapped and Critical Environments is an air gapped on-premises package for critical infrastructure organizations, government agencies, defense contractors, and resellers. With support for a variety of strong authentication credentials, the package helps organizations to achieve passwordless authentication seamlessly in air gapped and critical infrastructure environments.
Use Case

Interim and Non-PIV Authentication

Federal employees need authentication prior to issuance of a PIV card and many use cases require non-PIV authenticators. End-to-end management of authentication is needed to provide interim phishing-resistant authentication.
Use Case

Adopt an Authentication Management Lifecycle

Authentication initiatives stall due to end user friction and lack of IT resources. Axiad enables authentication to be treated as a lifecycle, operationalizing and streamlining the work for IT while minimizing friction for end users.
Use Case

Pragmatic Phishing Resistance for Enterprises

Authenticate across the entire environment with a pragmatic blend of Certificate Based Authentication and FIDO passkey. Both authentication methods provide phishing resistance with unique advantages for scale and for future proofing.
Case Study

Defense Contractor

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